947 Acres East of Matfield Green in 2 tracts — 708.13 acres and 239.4 acres
SOLD!! Tract 1 @ $2,475/ acre — Tract 2 @ $2275/acre

Friday March 5, 2021- 10:00 AM
Sale held at the Chase County Community Building in SWOPE PARK, Cottonwood falls KS 66845
THE BEST OF THE FLINT HILLS can be the easiest to maintain. In BIG Country where there are few homesteads, this area each side (east and west) of the turnpike gets a controlled burn about every year with the landowners working together. If you have a love for the FLINT HILLS here are two great tracts with acreages to fit various budgets!!

There IS access between the 2 tracts via access through an easement using an overpass across the Turnpike.
TRACT 1: 708.13 Acres more or less
SOLD !!! $2,475/acre
Directions: Tract 1, From Matfield Green, KS go 4.7 mi. East/Southeast on Little Creek Rd. to the intersection of 50th, continuing east on 50th Rd. to the SW corner of Tract 1 on on the North side of County Road.
Brief Legal: ALL of Section 12 and the North Half of Section 11 lying east of the KTP, less ROW, in Township 22 South, Range 08 East of the 6th PM, Chase Co. KS (708.13 acres MOL)
What can one say about the rolling Bronze colored Flint Hills in the winter. Well, for starters the reason for the beautiful bronze color is the grass is TOP NATIVE BLUESTEM! Watered by 2 ponds and a springy draw and fenced with average 5 and 4 wire and steel, this pasture is made for easy caretaking with very little brush or trees. This pasture takes in the divide on the North and slopes southerly to the South/Southwest. The old timers will tell you, if you can get a pasture on the divide, THATS THE ONE YOU WANT! There are no improvements to add to your tax bill, just one of the cleanest Native Bluestem and mixed grass pastures in the heart of the Flint Hills that you could ever want!
TRACT 2: 239.4 Acres more or less
SOLD !!! $2,275/ acre
Directions: Tract 2, From Matfield Green go 1 mile East on Little Creek Rd. Then with 4×4 pickup or UTV continuing East on low maintenance 60th Rd. that turns to a county right-of -way grass lane which ends up at the NW corner of tract 2.
Brief Legal: The North Half of Section 11 lying west of the KTP, less ROW, in Township 22 South, Range 08 East of the 6th PM, Chase Co, KS (239.4 acres MOL)
Here’s another FLINT HILLS NATIVE BLUESTEM and mixed grass pasture bursting with the bronze winter coat of top Bluestem Country. The North line is on or close to the divide and the pasture slopes to the South. Watered by a pond and fenced with 5 and 4 wire steel, this is another pasture where you have clean grass with few trees or brush. Here again there are NO improvements to add to your taxes. Access is from the NW on 60th or across the overpass from the corner of tract 1.
Taxes for BOTH TRACTS COMBINED: $3,512.84
TERMS: Earnest money due day of sale will be $100,000 (tract 1) $40,000.00 (tract 2) made payable to Griffin Real Estate & Auction. The balance will be due in full at closing which shall be on or before Thursday April 1, 2021. Title wok will be available 14 days prior to the auction date through our offices. Title insurance will be available at the cost of the Buyer if they elect to do so. Buyer will receive a Sheriff’s Deed at closing. 2021 txes will be the responsibility of the Buyer. There are no Ag leases on the property. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to rely on their own judgements od have your own inspections. Property is sold in present condition with no warranties or guarantees, with the exception of an accidental grass fire. All fincancing arrangements need to be made prior to the auction. All information has been gathered from Chase Co. sources and is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All announcements made day of the auction shall take precedence over and advertisements.
Sellers: Virginia L. Griffiths, Florence Luella Smith & Minnie R. Westbrook.



Many More photos and vidio available. Contact us for more information or for a tour of the Property
A Special Thank you to Griffin Real Estate and Auction (Chuck Maggard, Heidi Maggard, Rick Griffin) who we are working with in cooperation to provide you with a great opportunity to purchase at auction some of the best grassland in the flint Hills. Contact either of our offices for information.