2 Tracts of Marion County Land (60 & 77 acres)
Saturday March 20, 2021 – 10:00 AM
Sale held at Voth Construction office/shop building — 717 Centennial Dr. Goessel, KS ( Located along Hwy 15 at the NE edge of Goessel, Just south of the MKC grain bins)
Tract 1 – 60 acres, more or less
SOLD $3,400. /Acre
Legal description: Part of the North ½, North ½, South ½ of Section 20, Township 20 South, Range 1 East, Marion Co. KS (Total acres and description will be determined upon completion of a survey being done on the farmstead which has been sold)
Land Location: From Goessel; 3 miles North on K-15 Hwy, then 1 mile West on 150th, then ½ mile North on Alamo.
Land Description: An excellent tract of productive cropland consisting primarily of Ladysmith silty clay loam soils along with some Irwin silty clay loam and Goessel silty clay loam. This tract lays very well (near level) and farms efficiently in one field. Currently approximately 53 acres is cultivated cropland and 7 acres is hay meadow. The hay meadow appears as it can be broke out to be farmed.
Crops/Possession: All the cropland is currently soybean stubble ready for spring planting. Possession of the land will be given to the buyer immediately at closing.
Note: This is an exceptional tract of productive cropland that is a great addition to any farm program or investment portfolio, located in an area where good land is hard to come by. Don’t miss this opportunity!!
Tract 2 — 77 acres
SOLD $2,500/Acre
Legal Description: Part of the North ½, South ½ of Section 21, Township 20, Range 1 East, Marion Co. KS
Location: From Goessel; 3 ½ miles North on Hwy K-15
Land Description: 45.83 acres cultivated cropland all currently planted to double crop wheat. 3.64 acres is waterway. The balance of approx. 27.53 acres is grassland.
Crops/Possession: All the cropland is planted to double crop wheat. The Buyer will receive the landlords rent share of the 2021 wheat and receive possession of the cropland following wheat harvest. Possession of the grassland will be given to the Buyer at closing.
NOTE: This is a diverse farm having a combination of cropland acreage and grassland with frontage along K-15 Hwy and also along Chisholm Trail Road. You might find this farm to be a good building site, recreational area or good farm investment. In any case, don’t overlook this tract as land having a good location is always a good choice!!
TERMS: Earnest money deposit in the sum of $10,000.00 for each tract due day of sale payable to Security 1st Title. The balance will be due in full at closing which shall be on or before April 20, 2021. Title insurance and closing fees will be divided equally between buyer and seller. 2020 taxes will be paid by the Seller and 2021 taxes will be paid by the buyer. All financing arrangements and /or inspections must be made prior to the auction. The property is being sold in an “AS-IS” condition and is not subject to financing or appraisal. All information is gathered from Marion Co. sources and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Statements made day of sale take precedence over any advertisements, printed material or previous statements. Leppke the agent of the Seller.
Seller: Lavern A. and Jane E. Schroeder Revocable Trust
Tract 1 Pictures

Tract 2 Pictures